Can you believe I'm 10 months old already? Where does the time go?!?

I went to the Lodi Grape Festival with Mom & Dad today. We met our friends Robyn, Adam & Jayne there and enjoyed some Beatles music played by The Fab Four. I enjoyed sitting on Mom & Dad's shoulders and bobbing to the music. I was really getting in to it!

The past few months have been so busy! We went on vacation in Oregon at the end of August, Mom & I have been going to lots of playdates with friends, we've had adventures in the park, we've visited friends and family and I've enjoyed spending time with my Dad in the evenings and weekends.

In August, I started to cruise (walking while holding on to furniture), but I'm not too crazy about it. I'd much rather get down and crawl when I need to get somewhere. It's so much faster!

I got my first tooth on Saturday morning - boy was I grumpy leading up to that tooth. Getting teeth hurts! It's just the first though, so I know I have some more grumpy times ahead of me... good thing Mom & Dad know how to make me smile again!

On top of all of that, I started standing on my own in September! I'm up to about 10 seconds on my own. I can walk when Mom & Dad hold my hands, and I'm getting the leg motions down pretty well. Walking with my parents is fun, and standing is a cool new trick, but I still like crawling best, though. I can't wait to learn to walk by myself. I love watching other kids run around and can't wait for the day I can do that, too!